Leave Requests

Applying for leave from School

In accordance with Norwegian legislation, if a child is away from school for 10 days  or more they lose their school place

If a student has been absent from school for 10 days or more, they will be removed from the register and parents will have to reapply. If there is a waiting list, then the next candidate on the list will be offered the school place. 

We try to discourage people taking their children out of school outside normal holidays, especially when they have 8 weeks in the summer to do so.

Application for leave for more than 2 days must be submitted to the principal at: principal@askeris.no

Significant absenteeism may lead to a submission of a letter of concern from the school to the child protection agency (Barnevern). This may be without notification to the parents.

§ 3-13. Leave from compulsory education
When it is deemed appropriate, the school can grant leave to individual pupils for up to two weeks. In accordance with provisions made in the Administration Act. Decisions about leave are individual decisions,. Administration § 2. The Ministry appealed.

The provision for leave of a maximum of 2 weeks in accordance with the private school act is unalterable. Leave within these two weeks can be given when this is justified in accordance with the individual pupil's school situation.

§ 3-13.Permisjon frå den pliktige grunnskoleopplæringa
Når det er forsvarleg, kan skolen gi den enkelte eleven i grunnskolen permisjon i inntil to veker. Ved avgjerd etter føresegna gjeld forvaltningsloven. Avgjerd om permisjon er enkeltvedtak, jf. forvaltningsloven § 2. Departementet er klageinstans.

Privatskolelovens bestemmelse om maksimal permisjonstid på to uker er ufravikelig. Permisjon innen disse to ukene kan gis når dette er forsvarlig ut fra elevens opplæring. 

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