Parking expecationsThe following expectations are to be followed when it comes to our parking area:- Please park on tier 1 and tier 2 (the two top sections).
- Parents are to reverse into the spaces. It allows cars to move around one another easily.
- Our car park is prioritised for our youngest students. Our older students do not need to be dropped in the car park and rather we ask that upper PYP and MYP parents try to drop their child off on the main road in the morning.
- Please use the first available parking space. Congestion and confusion increases if people try to drive to the front door to get a parking space only to find that there is not one available.
- Please use the roundabouts located a short distance from the intersection. Trying to cross the traffic increases congestion on the main road.
- Please be patient. We appreciate how busy the mornings can be, so it can be worth planning in some extra time in the mornings. School is open from 7:30am, so there is the option to drop children off earlier and avoid the peak times.
- Under no circumstances should parents be dropping off or picking up children from the side gate located on Borgenveien.
- Whenever possible, please use public transport or walk/cycle to school.
Public Bus and regulations governing the issue of a bus pass
- Please park on tier 1 and tier 2 (the two top sections).
- Parents are to reverse into the spaces. It allows cars to move around one another easily.
- Our car park is prioritised for our youngest students. Our older students do not need to be dropped in the car park and rather we ask that upper PYP and MYP parents try to drop their child off on the main road in the morning.
- Please use the first available parking space. Congestion and confusion increases if people try to drive to the front door to get a parking space only to find that there is not one available.
- Please use the roundabouts located a short distance from the intersection. Trying to cross the traffic increases congestion on the main road.
- Please be patient. We appreciate how busy the mornings can be, so it can be worth planning in some extra time in the mornings. School is open from 7:30am, so there is the option to drop children off earlier and avoid the peak times.
- Under no circumstances should parents be dropping off or picking up children from the side gate located on Borgenveien.
- Whenever possible, please use public transport or walk/cycle to school.
Below is an extract from which explains the rules for getting a bus card.
- Grade 1 - Students living at least 2km away
- Grades 2-10 - Students living at least 4 km away
- Or if a student has to travel by boat to get to school
Please note that the webpage states that you can only use the bus card until 16:00 each school day. It is not meant for evening or weekend use.
Hvem har krav på gratis skoleskyss?
Grunnskoleelever som er bosatt i Akershus har krav på gratis skyss til og fra skolen innen bostedskommunen hvis korteste reisevei mellom hjem og skole er:
- minst 2 km (1. klasse)
- minst 4 km (2.-10. klasse)
- eller hvis eleven må reise med båt for å komme til skolen
Elever som får innvilget gratis skoleskyss ut fra avstanden mellom hjem og skole har ikke rett til gratis skyss i forbindelse med skolefritidsordningen (SFO) og leksehjelp, med unntak av elever som er innvilget skoleskyss på medisinsk grunnlag.
Bosted regnes som den adressen eleven er registrert på i folkeregisteret. Bor eleven to steder, har han/hun krav på gratis skyss mellom skolen og begge hjem, forutsatt at begge adressene oppfyller vilkårene for gratis skoleskyss. Dette gjelder også elever som bor i fosterhjem eller lignende.
Også voksne med grunnskolerett etter opplæringslovens kapittel 4A, som har mer enn 4 km skolevei, har krav på gratis skoleskyss.
Se fylkeskommunale retningslinjer for skoleskyss på Akershus fylkeskommunes nettsider.
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